Suffolk Garden Wedding Photography – Trevor & Sarah
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At the beginning of July I photographed the back garden wedding of Trevor and Sarah.
Relaxed Garden Wedding Photography
It was a beautiful garden wedding at Sarah’s father’s house in the lovely Suffolk village of Gislingham just down the road from Bury St.Edmonds. Being ‘at home’ as it were really made the day special and personal to everyone – I love days like this as it really helps make my photography bespoke and personal. I think there is something about bringing people that you love together in a place that you know so well and have grown up in that can’t be beaten.
(Also check out Prep & Cath’s garden wedding photography from earlier this year)
One member of the assembled guests that couldn’t be ignored was Maple the dog. She had a starring role as ring bearer and was so important to Trevor and Sarah that I couldn’t resist including her a lot in this preview.
I love dogs (I have two of my own and they are on my ‘About Me’ page) and am always drawn to them at weddings. I’ve even been known to take a couples’ dogs for a walk during the wedding breakfast.
Have a peep at Trevor and Sarah’s lovely back garden wedding – I’m looking forward to sending their full gallery through to them next week.
Click on the slideshow at the bottom for more photographs!
For more information about booking garden wedding photography or just to say ‘Hi’ click ‘Contact’ and fill in the form or just drop me an email

5 Responses to “Suffolk Garden Wedding Photography – Trevor & Sarah”
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Great photos! Love your colors ;)!
Great set of images!!!
Love these! Obviously the photos of Maple are the best. Love the portrait of her in the video. I suppose the humans scrub up ok too ?
The best wedding photos I have ever seen!
Thanks so much!