Wedding Photography Workshops – 2 New UK Dates
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Wedding Photography Workshops UK
I was really pleased to announce two new dates for my wedding photography workshop this week.
April 10th – Manchester (click)
April 17th – London (click) already 50% full!
I’d never intended to be a photographer who ran workshops but other photographers kept asking if I’d do them – I finally caved. I did my first in 2016 and really enjoyed it then more followed – last year I was all over the UK and even ran a 2 Day workshop in Crete!
Initially I found the idea slightly embarrassing to be the one standing at the front saying ‘Do it this way’. Then I had a light bulb moment in the way that I should structure a workshop. The best people I’d seen talking about their photography always did it in a way that gave you an insight into how they thought – what their philosophy and approach was. It was about a mindset and a way of thinking. So this is what I try to do in the first half of my workshops – I talk about how I work, what I’m looking for on the wedding day, how I try to tell a story and the compositions that best work for me. I then want people to adapt and build on that so they can use it to develop their own way of working thats true to them.
The Nuts and Bolts of Business
The second part of the day I made more about the nuts and bolts of building, maintaining and growing a business. We can all get wrapped up in creating beautiful or emotive photographs but if no-one is going to commission us to take them then it’s hard to stay in business.
Workflow, marketing, branding and just getting out there are all something I talk about. Again it’s about what’s worked for me – there are many ways to reach people but I’ve always been one to try the least travelled path so nothing about Google or SEO from me. My approach to growing has always been a little more organic.
So anyway that’s the exciting news for today.
Click on the links if your interested in seeing more about the workshops.
If you go to my training website – wedding photography – there are more details about upcoming workshops and 1-2-1 Sessions (via Skype or face to face).

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