Trinity House Wedding Photographer – Pia+Lee
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” These photos are beyond incredible! I love them…! Thank you so much!! “
Having had a very wet wedding last weekend I was casting my mind back to other rainy UK weddings I’ve photographed. I remembered Pia and Lee’s Trinity House wedding in London last November and thought I’d share a quick overview of the day.
Rainy wedding days never bother me, it’s part of the rich tapestry of living in the UK that it might rain anywhere at anytime, and it’s my approach not to fight the weather but make it part of the story of the day. As a bride and groom you know what the weather did on the day you got married so if I tried to pretend it was something different the photos wouldn’t make any real sense. However, the story of the day isn’t the weather – it’s getting married and celebrating with friends and family – so I think of it as a character in the photography NOT the plot…
An historic London wedding location
It was my first time as a Trinity House wedding photographer and what a beautiful building it is – overlooking the Tower of London from the ceremony room and steeped in Naval history. As they say:
“ Trinity House, overlooking the Tower of London and the charming Trinity Square Gardens, offers an uniquely historical and quintessentially English wedding venue in the City of London ”
Both Pia and Lee got ready in a hotel just around the corner then it was a quick dash through the rain to Trinity House for the ceremony.
Post ceremony it was drinks in an adjoining room and then onto a London Bus for the short trip to 1 Lombard Street (another brilliant London wedding venue and top restaurant) for the food and evening celebration.
Unique London Wedding Photographer
Although I work throughout the UK photographing weddings I photograph quite a few London weddings (click here) and it’s always a joy to explore the many interesting and unique venues the capital has to offer.
Have a peep and Pia and Lee’s Trinity House wedding photography and click on the slideshow at the bottom if you want to see more….
For more information about booking wedding photography or just to say ‘Hi’ click ‘Contact’ and fill in the form or just drop me an email

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