Tawni + Emily’s Summer Wedding
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I want to share with you Emily and Tawni’s wedding photography from summer 2018.
Multi-Cultural Wedding Photography?
Now if you look at business marketing everything you put out there should have a value and be pointing to your business. Following those rules I need to label this blog post ‘Multi-cultural Wedding Photography in the North West’ to appear on the radar of couples from different backgrounds who are getting married in Manchester, Warrington or Wigan. I need to write acres of words about two cultures coming together and sharing the day. I might give you a potted history of Brazil (Tawni’s heritage) to add educational value to this blog post and therefore making it appear higher in Google searches.
Brazil is a country in South America (tick).
You should skip this next paragraph and just look at the pictures beneath… that’s what I do. I’m a photographer. I photograph weddings.
I’ve just found an article on ‘Writing blogs Bride’s want to read’ – my first thought being “Men get married too”. But hey-ho.
Number 3 on the list is “Step #3: Find Out Which Topics Your Audience Wants to Devour” – so apparently here we go: wedding shoes, wedding dresses, flowers, cute table decorations, wedding favours and how to make you best friends jealous….
If you look at the pictures below you will find people enjoying themselves, what it was like to be there on the day, you will be able to see the bride’s dress by looking at her wearing it whilst having a good time, you’ll see they got married in a city (Manchester) then moved to Emily’s parents for the rest of the day. There was also dancing. Enjoy.
For more information about booking wedding photography or just to say ‘Hi’ click ‘Contact’ and fill in the form or just drop me an email

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