
Summer Wedding Instagram Photos: May – August

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Wow – it’s been three months since my last little post about my most liked wedding Instagram photos. So here is a little selection of my summer wedding Instagram photos. In my head I’d thought if I did a round up every month that would be something to keep my wedding blog ticking over but time seems to have slipped away from me. I have photographed 24 weddings in that time so I might be forgiven for forgetting and feeling a little tired….

Anyway here is just a peek at what’s been lighting up the likes on my wedding Instagram feed:

There is a London wedding at The Asylum Chapel

A fantastic 2 ceremony wedding at Iscoyd Park in Shropshire

A hot, summery wedding at Bury Court Barn in Hampshire

A spectacular wedding at Salisbury Cathedral 

A quirky wedding at Islington Metal Works in London

and a very wet Tipi Wedding in Lancashire

All types of wedding in all types of weather


I think I’ve managed to photographs all different types of wedding in all different weathers across the UK in the last three months. I’ve worked with some terrific couples and experience a bucket loads of joy and happiness.

Here is just a small selection of what I’ve shared over the past months…..


If you want to follow my wedding photography Instagram feed click on the link: Instagram Wedding Photography


For more information about booking wedding photography or just to say ‘Hi’ click ‘Contact’ and fill in the form or just drop me an email