Dorney Court Wedding Photography – Aleks & Charlie
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Dorney Court Wedding Photography
Doing this job that I love I get to go to some remarkable places and for the wedding of Aleks & Charlie I got to go to THREE on the same day.
I started the day off at the River Arts Club on the banks of the Thames. It’s a beautiful setting and ideal to start a relaxed mornings preparations for a wedding day. At this Victorian riverside mansion I met Aleks, her mother and bridesmaids to photograph them getting ready and capture some of the excitement and anticipation. I do enjoy starting the wedding day photography this way – it’s a brilliant way of beginning the story and getting everyone used to my non-orchestrating and unposed approach. Quite often I’ll encounter friends of the bride who have just recently married and they never fail to tell me if their photographer bossed everyone around or interfered with the smooth running of the day in any way…. it’s nice to offer a stark contrast in approach.
Eton College Chapel Wedding Ceremony
It was then on to meet the Groom and Ushers in the centre of Windsor for lunch before everyone moved to Eton College Chapel ahead of the ceremony. It’s hard to describe just how spectacular the Chapel at Eton College is (you’ll have to look at the pictures) but it’s just stunning. I’ve photographed in a few big churches and cathedrals – a Salisbury Cathedral wedding and Ely Cathedral Wedding this year alone – but this was an unexpected surprise. A 15th century chapel that vast in scale and light and bright to boot!
Scale is something that is sometimes difficult to convey in an image. If you’re concentrating the human story you want to chase that interaction between people but context is also a major part of telling the story. So stepping back and putting the day into the context of it’s surrounds is something I always seek to do.
The ceremony was intimate despite the scale of the chapel and the joy and love for Charlie and Aleks was very apparent from the smiles, laughter and responses of everyone there.
We then moved the wedding to Dorney Court – just down the road.
Dorney Court – a perfect wedding venue
Pitching a large marquee on the lawn of one of the finest Tudor Manor Houses in England works so well – you get to entertain nearly 200 guests and give them amazing views of one the finest houses in Britain. Drinks and canapés were severed n the lawn and then everyone could move to the marquee for food and speeches. It was blisteringly hot day but there was ample shade under the trees and taking the sides of the marquee up meant that a welcome breeze cooled the diners.
Aleks and Charlie wanted a relaxed, enjoyable wedding day and I think they achieved it. It came together perfectly which means that I am able to photograph happy, joyous people mingling and enjoying the wedding day. It’s a win win for the couple and for me.
Have a look at their wedding photography from Eton College and Dorney Court – and don’t forget to click on the slideshow at the bottom to see every more photographs from the wedding day.
For more information about booking Eton College or Dorney Court wedding photography or just to say ‘Hi’ click ‘Contact’ and fill in the form or just drop me an email

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